Steps of Money Laundering – An Assessment


Money laundering is one of the most manipulative and severe crimes that is annually observed all over the world. Due to the increasing number of money laundering crimes, the overall financial funds that were compromised in 2023 increased by 330%. 

These instances pose severe threats to the country’s economic stability due to extensive financial disparities. Money laundering is a multifaceted process that complicates the financial assessment of professional experts. Therefore, a detailed analysis of the different steps of money laundering is crucial to identify the common techniques used by imposters. 

This blog provides a detailed analysis of the different money laundering solutions and the role of different stages of money laundering.            

3 Stages of Money Laundering – A Brief Overview 

Money laundering crimes have been affecting global financial institutions for decades. Over time, imposters have been incorporating different techniques and strategies to conceal the origin of the illicitly acquired funds. These financial disparities are carried out through three different stages, which are briefly examined below:

  • Money laundering placement is the first step of money laundering, which is opted by the imposters to disguise the origin of the illicitly acquired funds. In this step, the imposters disintegrate large amounts of monetary funds into smaller amounts through smurfing and place them into various bank accounts. 
  • Money laundering layering is the second step, which involves the movement of funds across the financial structure through trade-based money laundering and loan-back schemes. Additionally, the imposters get assistance from shell companies to move and disguise their source of funds globally. 
  • Money laundering integration is the final stage through which high-risk entity’s illicit tactics are facilitated. During this stage, extensive investment in the real estate sector and recognized business ventures are facilitated.          

Money Laundering Life Cycle Under the Offences of Proceeds of Crime Act 

The 3-stage life cycle of money laundering requires businesses to incorporate the most effective regulatory framework in their identification guidelines. One such regulatory practice is the integration of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002. This act entails the confiscation of criminal proceeds that are recognized during the anti-money laundering screening checks. Some of the main offenses highlighted under this act are:

  • Section 327 of the Proceeds of Criminal Act highlights the imprisonment of upto 14 years in case of the recognition of fund concealing and disguising. 
  • Section 328 of the act imposes strict measures against the entities involved in direct or indirect facilitation of any illicit funds movement and transactional activity.       

Prominent Sectors Vulnerable to the Phases of Money Laundering

Although there are many hidden channels through which money laundering operations are facilitated, some of the most prominently known ones are briefly examined below:

  • Banking institutions are most vulnerable to the various steps of money laundering. During the money laundering layering phase, the imposters exploit the bank accounts of legitimate entities to transfer smaller monetary amounts across different countries. 
  • The consulting firms are actively involved in providing legitimate services to the local clients. Therefore, this channel becomes a suitable platform for money launderers to layer and integrate illicit funds. 
  • The real estate sector is also exploited during the money laundering operations. The exponential share of the illicit funds are invested in real estate investments that are difficult to track. 

Unfolding the Frequently Used Money Laundering Tactics  

Money launderers frequently use fake identities to facilitate illicit transactional activities. The imposters usually use the stolen identities during the different money laundering stages to avoid accountability by the regulatory bodies. Additionally, complex financial networks and non-regulated operations are used to facilitate money laundering tactics. Over the recent few years, psychological manipulation has become a common method through which the imposters manipulate the hostages and public opinion in favor of their illicit monetary concerns.      

Significance of the 5th AML Directive to Combat Money Laundering Stages 

The rule formulated by the European Union in the 5th anti-money laundering directive addressed the sectors that are most vulnerable to illicit activities. Under these checks, the detailed assessment of the transactional operations carried out through art dealers reduces the overall vulnerability of this sector to money laundering operations. 

Additionally, the money laundering reporting officers (MLROs) are required to conduct extensive watchlist screening through enhanced due diligence measures. This directive also puts a strong emphasis on the assessment of cryptocurrency channels. All the transactional practices are screened in order to rectify the movement of illicit monetary funds both domestically and globally.   

Concluding Remarks  

The imposters have been using the 3 different steps of money laundering to disrupt the financial networks and economic stability. Money laundering operations affect the financial credibility of all the affected organizations. Therefore, businesses are required to incorporate the enhanced due diligence approach to measure the risks and financial patterns of known entities. This allows the MLROs to identify and screen out illicit entities during the client onboarding operations, which protects their firms from unauthorized financial operations.



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